
Jake Dombroski

May 4–21, 2023

Closing Reception: Saturday, May 20, 2023, 6-8pm

Legacy explores the cycle of life and the traces that we leave behind as human beings. This body of work is about the remnants of our existence - the discarded materials that often outlast us, and how they were born from and return to the natural world.

Every discarded piece of refuse has such a long life - from its production in some manufacturing warehouse across the seas, to the overflowing shelves of a convenience store, to the mouths of a consumer, and finally to the gutter. However, the pieces of garbage that are affixed to the landscapes in Legacy are memorialized.

Their sleek logos, originally designed to entice consumers, are warped and tattered and have now entered into conversation with the landscapes they are juxtaposed by. Ancient mountain ranges, arid deserts, and sparkling streams loom behind the pieces of litter - the design and colors of crushed cans complement the earthen tones of the assorted vistas.

Human-made consumer goods are typically recognized as separate entities from the natural world, yet Legacy challenges this assumption. Simultaneously, the collection hopes to challenge the traditional definition of art - utilizing found objects and brazenly eclipsing the very landscapes we once sought to capture by brush.

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